Create session#
First step is creating a message, CreateSessionRequest, with username, password and a device UUID.
The device_uuid is an identifier from which resource the request has been made. The device_uuid needs to be unique per user and resource.
If the client authenticates with the same device_uuid from another resource all other sessions will be terminated.
message CreateSessionRequest {
string username = 1;
string password = 2;
string device_uuid = 3;
participant Client
participant SessionsService
Client->>SessionsService: CreateSessionRequest
SessionsService-->>Client: CreateSessionResponse
Store the tokens in some form of local cache so it is available to the client and don't re-authenticate on each request.
message CreateSessionResponse {
string auth_token = 1;
string reissue_token = 2;
uint32 exp = 3;
uint64 user_id = 4;
string username = 5;
string user_uuid = 6;
Re-issue session#
An authentication token (auth_token) is valid for 2 weeks and to extend the validity the client can send an request to reissue the token which extends it an additional two weeks.
message ReissueSessionRequest {
string reissue_token = 1;
To re-issue an authentication token you need to send an ReissueSessionRequest with the reissue token returned when the session was created.
participant Client
participant SessionsService
Client->>SessionsService: ReissueSessionRequest
SessionsService-->>Client: ReissueSessionResponse
You will get back an ReissueSessionResponse with the extend auth_token and a new re-issue token if you need to extend the validity further.
message ReissueSessionResponse {
string auth_token = 1;
string reissue_token = 2;
uint32 exp = 3;
uint64 user_id = 4;
string username = 5;
string user_uuid = 6;
Destroy session#
To invalidate an authentication session send an empty DestroySessionRequest message to the SessionsService.
participant Client
participant SessionsService
Client->>SessionsService: DestroySessionRequest
SessionsService-->>Client: DestroySessionResponse
message DestroySessionRequest {
You will get back an empty DestroySessionResponse to confirm that the auth token has been invalidated.
message DestroySessionResponse {